life is hard, life is also bliss, its all what you make of it. I intend to make the most out of mine. And so I give to you my thoughs, comments and random aspects of my life.
"The night max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind..."
~Where The Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"Way out at the end of a tiny little town
was an old overgrown garden, and in the garden
was an old house, and in the house
lived Pippi Longstocking."
~Pippi Longstocking
Astrid Lindgren
"They said a child had died in the attic.
Her Clothes had been discovered in the wall.
I wanted to go up there, and to lie down near the wall, and be alone."
~The Vampire Armand
Anne Rice
"A mouse was looking at Mario. The Mouse's name was Tucker, and he was sitting in the opening of an abandond drain pipe in the subway station of Times Square."